4 FREE Things You Can Do To Skyrocket Your Property Journey EVEN If You’re Not Deposit Ready Yet
4 Free Things You Can Do To Skyrocket Your Buy to Let Property Journey Before You’re Deposit Ready
How To Make Your Rental Property The Hottest In The Area
Let’s be honest, the aim as a successful Landlord Queen is to have a rental property that has a queue of your ideal, dreamy tenants lining up to rent your property, that want to stay long term, so you can maximise your return on investment, have peace of mind your investment is being taken care of and bloody well go live your life and love it! Thrive, not survive!
How Do You Recession Proof Your Buy to Let Property
In a world that feels a little shaky and uncertain at the moment, one of the most asked question I’m getting at the moment is …”Is it a good idea to invest in Buy to Let property given the current economic climate?”
2022 Property Predictions and How to Make Your Property Dreams a Reality
When I looked at the predictions for the 2022 property trends, I actually felt a sense of excitement for the possibilities and opportunities that await us, for a year, which I feel for all of us, will be one of growth and success, however we measure that, and for making positive changes to our lives and others through the incredible power of property.
The Other Side of Persistence and Letting Go
“Always stick to the plan!!” This is what was told over and over again when I set up my first business. And it stuck with me, like a broken record, a relentless mantra, forever reminding me, even when what I was doing something that just didn’t feel right anymore I just needed to STICK TO THE PLAN.